Maybe the dust should settle before updating Wikipedia pages about history and historical events related to war in Israel in 2023 given that there is a lot of ongoing dispute over what is occurring in real time. The highly charged response to the perception of the Israel conflict within the U.S. and around the world is interesting. Just like in 2020, large groups of people were organized and deployed seemingly as easily as someone would flip a light switch.
Tucker Carlson was the highest rated evening news show in the country when he was taken off the air and Fox News was fined. A News Media influencer cancelled for his messaging. The former president is defending himself in court with no injured party and no plaintiff.
Don't talk about election fraud. How will the GOP convince voters that they exist and wipe their memories of the 2020 election, having done nothing to convince people that elections are 'free and fair' while asking them to vote Republican while the former Republican president, the choice of the voters, is under attack.
The Left attacks the former president attempting to cancel him. They cancelled the most popular news media evening news show for asking questions about topics you are not allowed to ask. The conflict in Israel is supposed to distract us from issues unfortunate for the current administration and in the process exposes how the U.S. is funding both sides of the war and has not only sold out America, but has purchased problems from around the world.
Homelessness is a crisis created by American politicians. That problem is now being associated with not enough space to put the 7-8 million people who have entered the country illegally since Joe Biden took office. The illegal immigrants 'need space' so only now is the homeless problem, that has been cultivated by Democrat party, been allowed to develop. Illegal immigrants are homeless.
Fast track work permits for illegal immigrants while people cannot pay back student loans and we have more people in the country who live on welfare and are able bodied Americans who could get jobs, allegedly, but won't, not 'can't.' There are many struggling tax paying legal American citizens who want jobs and cannot get them or even find them if they do exist, but the government hands out federal student loans to just about anyone even though student loan debt exceeds all credit card debt in the U.S.
This conversation is dominated by people not addressing the main point - in addition to offering useless degree programs intended to indoctrinate and not educate for the purposes of any gainful employment opportunity, the people who can't pay back student loans cannot get any good paying job with their useless college degree even if they 'learned how to code' which is the latest middle finger to the would be job seeker. AI can code and large companies hiring coders are working with the government to legally import HB-1 work visa employees from overseas who have earned college degrees that apparently are more relevant to the American workforce than are American college educated students.