Good video. Someone should start a YouTube channel collecting and cross-marketing GOOD "videos on YouTube" about marketing and advertising. The host of this video says they learned how to do many of these things "from YouTube." The host of this video unknowingly revealed the problem with marketing and branding your product, service or business on social platforms like YouTube.
Instead of saying, 'I learned from YouTube,' you might want to mention the SOURCE - you debranded the content creators and channels you learned from by saying "YouTube" instead of the name of the YouTube CHANNEL or better yet, the NAME OF THE COMPANY.
"Where did you find that great (insert product here)?"
"YouTube does not sell products or courses on how to sell or brand or market your business, yet you just gave them credit for the product or service and debranded the actual company who should get credit for the product and the sale, yet, you credited YouTube with the product and the sale and YouTube does not sell anything other than advertising and paid subscriptions."