The Schedule - Day 363
Axiom Fiction Project
This will end up in an art pile somewhere after some critic ‘re-imagines’ my life trough the scope of (their his her) own juxtaposition of a ‘Special Target.’
It does not matter who you are or what you believe. The re-imagination of your being will be determined after THEY no longer have a use for YOU.
The transition from then til now has been re-imagined in my lifetime. The context asserts that YOU must abandon the context of YOUR being to adapt to the axiom protocol.
‘Posit’ is a word that you should not only bookmark, but read and understand as these things we call books, which also happen to end up in dictionaries, become obsolete.
The ‘letter’ generation works for the establishment.
The police were deployed automatically on October 7 in NYC. But the migrant crisis in NYC begs a lack of resources distributed among the recent refugees because somehow the people escaping countries with refugee status are entering one of the most populated cities in the US where 911 occurred, no less, while Israel is claiming that 10/7 is Israel’s 9/11.
While it hardly seems plausible that a beautiful woman would walk up to you and introduce herself at a bar. The protocol of the device on which I am attempting to write this has been reimagined in many ways that are not only taken out of context, but also character, to propagate the notion of the Mandela effect.
This, also, probably will be proven as either true or false depending on which way the money flows.
I have had ‘friends’ who are Jews and I had ‘friends’ who are black. Some of them do not realize that they are ‘allowed’ to be supported by the same ‘entity.’ And those who do, realize a limited ability to kiss the boot of the axiom that they will never know before they die. As is written in the books by the authors that they have never read because they have been re-imagined to believe that that that the invention of the color blue is original and something that could not be perceived before I told you that it existed.
So you ‘posit’ the preposition that news media attacks on social media are coming from ‘Russian’ sources while advocating for free and fair elections.