The Trial - Franz Kafka - Title Page17GEN44 hours ago1 min readChapter IArrest—Conversation with Mrs. Grubach—Then Miss BürstnerChapter IIFirst Cross-examinationChapter IIIIn the empty Courtroom—The Student—The OfficesChapter IVMiss Bürstner's FriendChapter VThe whip-manChapter VIK.'s uncle—LeniChapter VIILawyer—Manufacturer—PainterChapter VIIIBlock, the businessman—Dismissing the lawyerChapter IXIn the CathedralChapter XEnd
Chapter IArrest—Conversation with Mrs. Grubach—Then Miss BürstnerChapter IIFirst Cross-examinationChapter IIIIn the empty Courtroom—The Student—The OfficesChapter IVMiss Bürstner's FriendChapter VThe whip-manChapter VIK.'s uncle—LeniChapter VIILawyer—Manufacturer—PainterChapter VIIIBlock, the businessman—Dismissing the lawyerChapter IXIn the CathedralChapter XEnd