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  • Writer's pictureGideon

Twitter 'X' Tips and Tricks

Elon Musk owns Twitter 'X'. Elon Musk does not run 'X'. Elon Musk Claims X is a free speech platform. X is not a free speech platform. X is like every other technology platform. The rules are not clearly stated anywhere and what little information is given is vague or seems to be purposely confusing. The platform rules are variable and not equal and users are subject to a main algo and an algo that specifically affects their unique account. Twitter is governed by community standards also known as 'mob rule.'

Twitter controls every aspect of everything you do on the platform. This is what AI refers to as alignment. Since the 'rules' are not clearly stated, nor active metrics of any kind, you have to learn by trial and error what the platform tolerates and what it does not. This means you have to manually keep track of your activity on the platform to maximize your user experience when building an account.

The daily follow limit is 400. 'You can follow as many accounts as you want' - states the platform. However, they control the speed at which you follow and the way that you follow, meaning even the pattern of how you follow. The rules state that you can follow up to 400 accounts per day. This is an example of the incorrect and confusing language used by the platform - it is not limited to 400 follows per day, but 400 follows per 24 hour period. These are the types of things you kind of just have to figure out as you go along. Sometimes, the platform will penalize you for following too many accounts and sometimes the platform with just give you a vague warning without telling you what the problem is and instead provide a list of reasons that the account is either 'slowed down' limited or penalized - but they do not tell you what the specific violation is. Sometimes a penalty temporarily restricts your ability to follow more accounts for a certain number of days, sometimes they let you continue following accounts 'later.'

Account violations are also not clearly stated. This means, you don't know why the account was flagged, but are instead presented with a list of reasons it could have been flagged, and even then, sometimes none of those options seem to apply.

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